Lower Key Stage 2
Children aged 7-9 in years 3 and 4. Classes are named after a British bird.
Mrs Hammond leads the Lower Key Stage 2 phase. As in Key Stage 1, Years 3 and 4 are split into three classes by age. The youngest children benefit by, in some years, being the older ones in class and the oldest experience being the younger classmates too. This supports good social development for all and also fosters friendships across three year groups. There is no 'ability' grouping with children learning in mixed groups apart from in Guided Reading where texts are selected for groups at a similar reading level.
Younger children in year 3
Paula Hammond
BA (Hons) Primary Education, MaST, SAPRE Philosophy for Children (level 2), Outdoor Learning Practitioner (level 2}Mrs Hammond teaches the youngest year 3s. She leads behaviour and well-being throughout the school and is our subject leader for PHSE (personal, health and social education) and SRE (sex and relationships). Joining us a TA in 2005 from Hebden Green Special School, Mrs Hammond trained on the Graduate Teaching Programme at Kingsmead and has taught in year 6 where she qualified in Philosophy for Children before moving to Key Stage 1 where she trained as a Mathematics Specialist Teacher.
The oldest year 3 children and youngest year 4 pupils
Mrs Julie Bagley
BEd (Hons) Primary Education with Environmental ScienceMrs Bagley is one of a small number of staff who have been with us since opening in September 2004. Previously SENCo here and at her previous school, Julie leads Religious Education through school as well as teaching the Hen-Harriers on Thursdays and Fridays.
Ruth Duberley
BSc (Hons) Biochemistry and Physiology, MSc, PhD, PGCE PrimaryDr Duberley job shares the Hen Harriers with Mrs Bagley as well as leading Science throughout the school. Ruth also leads provision for children keen to develop particular gifts and talents and puts families and teachers in touch with events such as Challenge Saturdays and Daresbury Laboratory. Ruth has taught in primary and middle schools and prior to her teaching career carried our post-doctoral research into Alzheimer's disease at Kings hospital in London. She has two sons, one who attended Kingsmead.
Older children in year 4
Melissa Buzzard
BSc (Hons) Zoology and Psychology, PGCE Primary Education Mrs Buzzard studied at university in Massachusetts, USA, before emigrating to the UK where she worked as a teaching assistant in Northwich. After completing her PGCE in Primary Education Melissa came to work with us where she led Design Technology in school. Mrs Buzzard now leads our Communication, Language and Literacy team.
Teaching Support in LKS2
Ms Emilia Dabrowska
ISCED Occupational Health, MA Pedagogy of Childhood, QTS (qualified teacher status UK), Level 3 Health and Social Care (adults), ELSA Ms Dabrowska has taught in Poland where she trained as a teacher of early years. She supports learning for children with additional difficulties in LKS2 and works as our ELSA (emotional literacy support assistant).
Sharon Garrihy
NVQ Level 3 Teaching AssistantMrs Garrihy joined us as a teaching assistant in 2021, supporting children with special educational needs.
Natalie Hill
BA (Hons) Primary EducationMrs Hill who has previously worked as a primary teacher, joined in September 2019 as a teaching assistant with Lower Key Stage 2.
Joy Plant
BA (Hons) Primary EducationMiss Plant has previously worked as a teacher and teaching assistant in special provision and mainstream. She joined us in September 2024 as a teaching assistant working with Lower Key Stage 2.