Kingsmead Primary Termly News
Autumn/Winter 2024
Our focus this term has been on caring for ourselves, where we have been inspired by the incredible athletes in the Paris Olympics 2024 to help us understand ourselves better. The lessons we have learnt from these olympians have shone an important light on prioritising mental health, perseverance, and standing up for what you believe in.
Over the term, our weekly focuses have centred around the following themes: Showing emotion is a strength; You're never too old or young to chase your dreams; if you work hard enough you can get there; We all have the power to change our story; True winners cheer each other on; Never underestimate the power of positive words; Trust your instincts and keep it simple; Real courage is being afraid but doing it anyway; Always stand up for what you believe is right; and Falling in life is ok, you just need to get back up again.
Curriculum @ Kingsmead
The curriculum is quite simply everything we learn. Learning can take place in lessons, extra curricular and optional learning, assemblies and special events. We hope you enjoy a sample of the Autumn term where the focus has been caring for ourselves.
The youngest children in school have settled well into school life during Autumn term and are enjoying making lots of new friends whilst learning in our indoor and outdoor classroom.
We have been learning to write words using the letter sounds we have learnt so far.
We have had fun developing our creative skills.
Children in Need Bikeathon
Ladybirds enjoyed raising money for Children in Need this term, showing off their skills on bikes, scooters and on foot.
Outdoor Learning
We have really enjoyed getting wrapped up to do our outdoor learning sessions on Friday afternoons.
Mrs Emma Miller [phase leader KS1]
It’s been a very busy term in Key Stage One. All the classes have enjoyed learning inside our classrooms and outside the classroom, both in the forest school area and the rest of the school grounds. We particularly enjoyed wrapping up and enjoying a rare snow day.
This term we have had lots of visitors into school to help us with our learning. In our science lessons, we have enjoyed finding out all about our bodies. We had a visit from the GP, Dr Alex Fulton. She taught the children about the importance of eating the right amount of different kinds of foods, including how the different food groups help the body to stay healthy. The children were taught that in terms of fruit and vegetables, they should ‘eat a rainbow everyday’ and they enjoyed thinking of the different coloured fruits and vegetables they could eat. They learnt the importance of washing your hands, especially after going to the toilet, using flour to demonstrate how germs need soap and water to be washed off your hands thoroughly. The children learnt about the effects of exercise on their body. They thoroughly enjoyed using the stethoscopes to listen to their heart beat after they had been running.
The children enjoyed a fantastic, informative visit from PCSO Lee. Each child was able to dress up in their own police uniform. They then had a guided tour of his new police van, including a cell for prisoners. PCSO Lee showed the children how to operate the lights and sirens, you may have heard them! The children are researching, designing and making emergency vehicles in their Design Technology lessons. They will use their learning gained from this visit to inform their designs.
The Firefighters from Leftwich Fire Station, kindly visited school, bringing their amazing fire engine with them. They gave each class a tour of the fire engine. We learnt where the water was kept, what special equipment was kept in each locker and why there were different ladders on top. The firefighters showed us their special fire fighting uniform and how it was kept in the cab so the fire fighters were ready in case they get a call. We were shown the lights and the high visibility stickers on the fire engine. We are going to use all this information to help us design our emergency vehicles in DT.
We also had a visit from Tiger Trailers, including the inquisitive Tiger Ted. Tiger Trailers is a trailer construction company from Winsford who have a road safety education programme that they bring to local schools. Alison, Wendy, Denise and Dave came to teach the children about road safety. The session included an informative talk in class and a session outside on the zebra crossing putting all their learning into action. The children learnt that large vehicles such as trucks and trailers have a danger zone where the driver cannot see pedestrians or cyclists. They learnt to ensure they are standing in the correct place on the pavement and at crossings such as zebra crossings, so that the driver can see them. The chant from the morning was ‘Stop, Look, Be Seen.’ The morning ended with a visit from Tiger Ted, who tested the children’s understanding of their learning but was also rather cheeky in class!
We have completed lots of learning in our lessons in class, including learning about our local area in Geography, nurses from the past in History, addition and subtraction in maths and lots of super reading and writing in our literacy lessons. We have also thought about what it means to be part of a community and how some members of our community might appreciate other people thinking about them during the festive period. All the children have worked hard to make and write a lovely Christmas card to one of the residents of Anderton Place.
Mrs Paula Hammond [phase leader LKS2]
The children have really enjoyed our Stone Age topic this term and have learned lots of interesting facts about the past. Subjects like Dance and Music also had links and the children have really engaged well with these subjects. Children have found out about Stone Age tools, housing, farming and art during the ages.
Our trip to Beeston was a fantastic opportunity to experience a Round House and handle various artefacts of the period. The children were able to make links to their learning as we progressed through the topic and make connections between what they had seen at Beeston and their learning in the classroom.
Hen Harriers
The children have created some stunning artwork linked to Stone Age and Aboriginal painting techniques. Using dots and block printing to create images, children considered the symbolism of abstract images created in Aboriginal work before attempting their own beautiful artwork such as you can see here.
Counting on Katherine by Melanie Becker
Our first English unit of work was based on the life of mathematician Katherine Johnson. They created a fact file of her life, from enjoying counting as a little girl, to helping to put a man on the moon! Many were surprised to learn that such a clever girl almost missed out on many of life’s opportunities due to segregation. Luckily, Katherine was able to continue her education as their family moved to a region with a high school which Katherine was able to attend. Children gained insight into the space race between the United States and Russia. Thanks to Katherine’s calculations, John Glenn felt safe to board the shuttle. The rest is history!
Children wowed us with their beautiful presentation and the information they had recalled in their fact files. Their timelines were so eye-catching to really hook the reader!
Leon and the Place Between by Grahame Baker-Smith
Our second unit of work was based upon the stunning picture book, Leon and the Place Between. In this story, a group of children venture into a circus tent to discover a world of magic and unexpected sights. Children imagined themselves as Leon, a believer in magic, and recounted the spectacular occurrences of his day when he stepped into ‘the place between’.
Science - Rocks and Soils
This term the children have been learning about different types of rocks and how they are formed - did you know there is a ‘rock cycle’? Perhaps the children can explain that to you!
They have investigated rocks using Mohs hardness scale to identify different types of rocks and have also tested for permeability.
Children have also been looking at the different soil types investigating soil structure and the properties of soil. They enjoyed using magnifying glasses to find organic materials in their investigations.
Design and Technology
Children are in the process of creating a Holiday Decoration using felt and sewing techniques for joining. Here is an example of the planning and stitches they have been learning.
UKS2 phase leader Mrs Debbie McHugh:
What a busy first term of the academic year it has been in UKS2.
Our theme for the term has been the Ancient Greeks. The children have loved finding out about what life was like during these times and the different aspects that have influenced life today. As part of this work, the children thoroughly enjoyed designing and making their own Greek pots. There was certainly some messy lessons but the finished products were fantastic! We have also been super impressed with the quality of homework that the children have produced, it is clear to see how much hard work children have put into it.
In English we have covered two texts this term. The first was ‘Race to the Frozen North’ that followed the travels of Matthew Henson, who was an American explorer who travelled to the North Pole. The children loved finding out about him and his expeditions, the work culminated in the children writing their own diary entries for him. The work they produced was fantastic and included the mastery keys we had been focusing on in lessons. In the second half term, we have used a text on Greek Myths. The children have enjoyed reading a variety of myths, in particular those linked to Odysseus’ voyages. The children created their own Greek mythical creatures and have included these in their own section of Odysseus’ voyage. The children have worked extremely hard to produce some excellent finished myths.
All three classes have loved the outdoor learning that they took part in this term. They had the opportunity to explore our Forest Schools area, they went on a nature scavenger hunt, made their own journey sticks and played a variety of fun games. It has been wonderful to watch the excitement and enjoyment all three classes got from these sessions.
In UKS2, we have been lucky enough to have some different visitors into school in order to support our learning further. Fires Fighters from Leftwich Fire station joined us in school in order to teach the children about fire safety in the home. The children were able to ask the fire fighters a range of questions. This was a brilliant opportunity for the children to be able to extend any previous knowledge of this that they had.
One of the highlights in UKS2 is always The Young Shakespeare Company, they joined us this term to perform Twelfth Night. The performance was an interactive one and many of the children were asked to play parts during the performance. This is always a brilliant way for the children to understand the work of Shakespeare. We certainly have some budding actors whom we are sure will be taking to the stage in the future!
We would like to take the opportunity to thank all our families for their support this term and would like to wish you a restful festive period. We look forward to welcoming everyone back in 2025 for an exciting new term.
Music Matters
Musical Showcase
The children put on a wonderful concert for the parents to complete this term and show off all that they had learnt through their music lessons. It was delightful to hear so many accomplished musicians play and really showcase their talents. We even had children from Year 3 and 4 play, despite some of them only learning their instruments for a term so far. They all played beautifully, demonstrating that hard work and perseverance really does pay off.

In honour of Remembrance Day this year, the children have been thinking about peace and how they can use their positive words to create peace in school. The white poppy is a symbol of peace and has been worn in the run up to Remembrance Day for over ninety years, with the key message of 'never again'. So the children made white poppies with positive affirmations about themselves and others to help reduce conflict in school and instead exhibit harmonious behaviors with themselves, others and their environment.
Pupil Parliament
Our new Pupil Parliament Representatives were really excited to attend their first meeting this term at Sandiway Primary School. The focus for this year's work is around the theme of Pride: Pride in our school and our individuality; Pride in our environment; Pride in working with our community (especially the elderly).
The children who attended had some fabulous ideas and collaborated really well with each other. Edward and Becky decided that they would like to initially look at some opportunities to support within their community so organised a Christmas themed bake off, so the residents of Anderton Place could enjoy a Christmas cupcake whilst listening to the UKS2 perform their nativity.
Local councillor Gillian Edwards also attended, shared her role in the local community and supported the children's discussions. Moving forward, the NEP is hoping that the Pupil Parliament Representative will be able to attend the Winsford Council Chambers for the Spring meeting and hold a mock council meeting for the children to present their work.
Eco Committee
Mrs Gajjar
In the first half of this term the eco councillors completed an environmental review. This enables the children to see which areas of the Green Flag requirement the school performs well and which areas require more attention.
In the second half this term, the eco councillors launched the ‘cut your carbon’ campaign. In assemblies they informed their peers about carbon, how it is emitted and the consequences of excessive carbon in the atmosphere. The eco councillors then challenged their peers to take action for a month to reduce their personal carbon footprint. At the end of the challenge the eco councillors will add up the scores and upload the information on the ‘ cut your carbon’ website in order to work out how much carbon emission was reduced.
As well as the above, the younger eco councillors have been looking after the birds in the school grounds by putting out bird feeders. These were donated to the school by an employee of B and M.
In order to encourage recycling, the eco council also organised a Christmas jumper stall where parents sent in outgrown jumpers to be handed to others for further use.
Finally, our school gardeners have been very busy this whole term. In the first half term, they enjoyed tending to the flower and vegetable gardens, especially harvesting the all the apples, autumn raspberries and saving seeds for the next growing seasons. In the second half term students from Sir John Denes college have come to help plant spring bulbs, tidy all the beds and cordon trees and mulch everywhere. They set a wonderful example to our youngsters who so enjoyed working along side them.
Beautiful Work
This term we have been learning about the power of critique and descriptive feedback. It focuses on how we can look, listen, and learn to achieve excellence in what we do, including our ability to continually improve and innovate.
Critique that is kind, helpful and very specific, focused on a well-defined outcome is immensely powerful so the children have been trying this out on each other, encouraging their peers to redraft their work and achieve a higher standard. Our children have embraced the critiques and feedback given to them, demonstrating a commendable level of resilience and learnt valuable lessons in self-improvement.
Useful and Kind Awards
This term has also seen our very first 'Useful and Kind' awards, where children who are always useful, kind and ready to learn unlimited have been recognised for their efforts. In a special assembly, the children were awarded with the 'Bronze' award for their efforts, really embodying our school ethos every day.
Forest Schools
Forest School Leader Robyn Moseley
Every Thursday morning this term each class has taken part in an Outdoor Learning Lesson in the Forest School area and school grounds.
The children have loved being outside and taking part in different activities. Some children had never been into the Forest School area and were very excited to be there!
They learnt about the "Fire circle" and being safe around it, they thought about other risks that might be outside and how they could keep themselves and others safe- a good lesson in being aware when outside at any time!
They took part in sensory scavenger hunts which is so beneficial for observational skills as well as learning about nature and appreciating the natural world. The children loved collecting and sharing the things they had found in the woods and many found things that they had never seen before, which sparked interesting conversations between them.
The children made journey sticks- a great activity for creativity and outdoor learning and they looked amazing! They also loved playing a fun game called "Bat and Moth" which is great fun but also teaches about predator and prey and echolocation!
Each class had time for "free play" where they could explore the forest school area and have a go on the rope swing, mud kitchen, den building or tree climbing. They loved these activities and it was great to see the creativity, team work, collaboration, social skills and confidence building that was taking place between them.
The outdoor sessions were led by Robyn Moseley from Nature Makers Cheshire - see, and Lynne who very kindly volunteers her time to help with Forest School and Outdoor Learning.
We are looking forward to more adventures and learning next term!
Sports reports
Mrs McHugh leads Physical Education and Sport in school.
It has been a busy term for sport throughout the school with a range of exciting events and activities taking place for children.
We started the term with Yr 5/6 football competitions. We entered teams into both the girls and boys tournaments on separate evenings. Both competitions were tough with some excellent opposition but the children all played superbly and worked well as teams. There was also an opportunity for Yr 3/4 to take part in their own tournament. For some of these children it was the first time they had represented us at an event and it was fabulous to see how well they played together.
Just before half term our netball team represented us at the cluster competition. They performed brilliantly going unbeaten throughout the whole event. They will now go on to represent us at the next round of competition in the new year- we wish the team lots of luck!
Our final tournament of the term was a basketball one. This is always a fun event with a great atmosphere due to the fact it takes part in the sports hall at Leftwich High School. The children who went along to play in this showed fantastic team work and resilience and the improvement across the evening was amazing to see.
A group of children attended a new event for our sporting calendar. This event- the Panathlon was a multi-sport event with activities including bowling, curling, target throwing, basketball, bean bag throw and hockey dribble. All of the children who attended this had an amazing time and they were so proud to come back into school to share their medals and certificates. We certainly hope this event will be running again next year!
Aside from competitive sport, there have been a range of sporting activities taking part in school.
In the first half term, we were, once again, lucky enough to welcome Cheshire Cricket coaches into school to run some sessions with our UKS2 children. These sessions were fantastic, it is always a real pleasure to welcome other teachers into school who have a wealth of experience that they are able to share with both staff and children.
We have also had two Phys Kids sessions with Miss Bruce, a PE teacher from Leftwich High School, this term to train our Year 6 Phys Kids leaders.
The first sessions involved the children thinking about what elements are needed to run a PE session. The children then had time to plan this session in small groups. The second session involved the Year 6 children leading Year 2 children in their session. The Year 6 children are now on a rota to run these sessions at lunchtime to support the younger children with fit and healthy playtimes.
Thank you to all our children who have represented us at a sporting event this term. We are so proud of how you have all performed and the wonderful sporting values that you have shown along the way. Thank you also to parents for supporting us with these events by organising transport for your children so that they are able to take part.
Other News
Mini Police
Our Year 6 Mini-Police have now graduated and made way for the new Year 5 recruits. The Mini Police had a fantastic year, supporting PCSO Lee in the local community with parking, road safety and speed awareness. Their year was topped off when they received an invite from the High Sheriff of Cheshire to represent the Mini Police Programme at the Choral Mattins Ceremony at Chester Cathedral. We are so proud of how well the outgoing Mini Police have represented themselves, their school and their wider community and are really looking forward to our new recruits continuing this.
Now that the Year 6 Mini police have graduated, the new recruits have made their police promise at a special attestation ceremony. We look forward to seeing them out and about in the community.

LKS2 Harvest
The children in LKS2 led the harvest service this year, performing songs and poetry linked to the theme of Harvest. The children had been rehearsing it for several weeks and this hard work really paid off. They put on a wonderful performance, singing beautifully, reading clearly and communicating some important messages around caring for others at this time of the year.
A huge thank you to all of our families who also donated food to the Mid Cheshire Food Bank, who provide vital help to our local community.
Children in Need
The children all had a brilliant time taking part in our Big Wheel challenge raising money for Children in Need. Inspired by Paddy McGuinness cycling 300 miles from Wrexham to Glasgow on a chopper bike, the children decided to see if they could beat him. So they all came to school with their feet, bikes or scooter and tried to complete as many laps of the school field as they could. In total they managed to 'wheel' a whopping 363 miles and raise a grand total of £1695! We even managed to get a mention on the Children in Need show.
Little Princess Trust
Lottie in Year 6 decided to help raise money for Little Princess Trust by having her hair cut. In total Lottie has had 12 inches cut off her hair and is now rocking a lovely new hair style. So far she has managed to raise £206, which is a huge amount to help towards a child being able to have a wig to wear. Lottie and her family would like to thank all of the people who have kindly donated money to this very worthy cause. If anyone would still like to donate they can use this link.
Thank you so much to the children first, but also the adults who made this Christmas so special. Concerts and nativities are priceless gifts; memories stay with us long after things we buy have faded.
Kingsmead Light Switch On
The wind band played at the Kingsmead Light Switch on, starting off the festivities with a real treat. The children played brilliantly, conducted by Mrs Harper, who has taken the band from strenght to strength.

Anderton Place
The residents at Anderton Place were treated to a wonderful performance by our Year 6 Nativity cast. They joined in with the traditional carols and songs and were delighted by how the children performed.
Our Pupil Parliament representatives had organised a Christmas themed bake so the residents got to enjoy some delicious cakes too. They were also treated to some beautiful cards made by our children in KS1.
Ladybirds Winter Show
The Ladybirds put on a super performance of The Three Billy Goats Gruff for their parents and carers. From the narrators, to actors, to percussion, to dancers and singers, every part was brilliant.
KS1 - Freddie the Penguin
The children in KS1 entertained us with their wonderful performance of Freddie the Penguin. The children had obviously worked very hard to learn their lines, parts and the songs for the show. They certainly impressed the audiences, whilst conveying a very important message about caring for the environment.
UKS2 - Traditional Nativity at St Wilfrid's Church
The term has ended on a high with the children’s amazing Nativity performance at St Wilfrid’s Church. The hardwork and rehearsing that the children put in certainly paid off and we are sure that those families that were able to attend would agree that it was a joy to watch. Our children showed bravery and courage to stand up and perform in front of such a large audience. We hope that the afternoon left you feeling in the festive spirit!
Christmas Tree Festival
St Wilfrid's Church hold a Christmas Tree Festival each year and invite local groups and schools to decorate a tree for the celebration. This year the theme was a favourite Christmas Carol. We choose one of our favourites - 'It was on a Starry Night'. Thank you to all of the children who made star decorations for our tree, it looked beautiful, very sparkly. All donations made from the festival will go towards ST LUKE’S HOSPICE (WINSFORD) to support this charity’s dedicated and amazing work.
Laura Brown
The start of this academic year has been a busy and exciting one for the KFA! We held coffee afternoons for the parents/carers of Ladybird's on their child's first day which was a lovely way to meet some new and returning faces, and for them to find out what the KFA is all about.
This term we have held our autumn disco, our Christmas film night, organised the Christmas Artwork project, ran a raffle for theatre tickets (thanks to TMTC for their kind donation), name the elf competition, held a stall at the Kingsmead light switch-on and helped to organise and run the book fair- phew!
Next term we have booked a silent disco (so if you have never volunteered to help at an event before maybe this is the one to do!) and on February 28th we are holding a family race night at school so come along and enjoy a fun filled night! Tickets are priced at only £3 and are on-sale now via Classlist. We are also in the early stages of planning our sponsored event which this year will be a 'Jim Jam Jog' which hopefully the children will enjoy as much as the sponsored bounce last year!
Our aim this year is focussed around the outdoor spaces of the school and the benefit of these in learning and development of the children. Part of this is our commitment to fund each class to have a forest school session each term (due to timing EYFS will be joining in the fun from next term) and the photos and feedback from the children so far has been lovely. We also paid for the excellent Chaplin's to return to school after the success of last year to perform 'Jack & The Beanstalk' for the whole school to enjoy- this has quickly become a definite highlight of the season for the children.
The KFA are always welcoming of new members so please get in touch if you would like to come along to a meeting in the New Year. Wishing you a happy and healthy Christmas break and we will see you in 2025!
PANTO - Jack and the Beanstalk
The children had a wonderful time at the pantomine, funded by the KFA. This was a really special treat for the children and we would like to thank the KFA for all that they do to create these special memories for the children of Kingsmead. The KFA have also run the Name the Elf Competition and bought the beautiful tree in the hall.
This term we are sadly saying goodbye to Mrs Buzzard. It has been a privilege to work alongside Mrs Buzzard for nearly 7 years and I know our staff, families and children will miss her greatly. She has brought such enthusiasm to every aspect of her role in school and inspired so many of our young people to become avid readers, just like her. We wish her well in wherever her career now takes her and can't wait to hear all about the positive impact she continues to have on the lives of children.
We are also saying farewell to Mrs Plant, who has done a wonderful job supporting children with additional needs. She brought with her so much experience from working in special provision that we have all learnt an incredible amount from her and are very grateful for her advice, guidance and support.
Finally, we say a temporary au revoir to Ms Tweedie, who is finishing to have her baby. What an exciting Christmas Ms Tweedie has ahead of her! She really has worked up to the last minute, as she continually puts the needs of the children at the forefront of everything she does, so thank you Ms Tweedie. Mr Pritchard will take good care of your class. We can't wait to meet your new addition.
As the year comes to a close, can I thank you all for your continued support, working in partnership with parents and carers really does make a difference to the children. I would like to also thank the staff for their continued commitment, dedication, determination and all round fabulousness! And of course the children who have continued to grow, progress, flourish and thrive, which is the best Christmas present anyone could wish for. I hope your home will be filled with laughter, love and joy over this holiday period and send my best wishes for a wonderful break and a prosperous and healthy new year.