Behaviour Principles

A longer title than Behaviour Policy but one that better reflects its purpose and our practice. The document includes our policies for bullying and exclusion which too need to be considered in terms of supporting every child's emotional and social development. 

1 guiding principle

we are useful and kind and ready to learn

7 responsibilities

Everybody has the responsibility to:

Devised in 2004 by our very first cohort of pupils, our seven responsibilities continue to serve us well.

Everybody has the right to:

no exceptions - everybody - every day

We have very high expectations of our pupils' behaviour. We expect adults and children alike to uphold and support the ethos of the school including values of respect - for other people and the rule of law, equality, fairness and democracy (participating and expressing your views). We believe that children are best served when the adults around them are in partnership and share high expectations, including that our children take responsibility for how they choose to be. 

The report Change Starts With Us 2019 will be interesting reading for anyone interested in how bullying affects children and young people and how each and every one of us has a responsibility to be the change we want to see. 

Change Starts With Us - report - FINAL_0.pdf

This is our school.

Let peace dwell here.

Let each room be one of contentment. 

Let love abide here:

Love of learning,

Love of each other,

Love of life itself.

Let us remember that as many hands build a house, 

Many hearts and minds build a school.

bullying leaflet [12 2022].pdf


At Kingsmead we are:

Useful, kind and ready to learn unlimited.

We aim to prevent bullying within the positive caring ethos of our school and for children to develop an understanding which will also help prevent bullying outside of school. We also aim to create an atmosphere where children can disclose bullying which is taken seriously and appropriate action taken.  In order to do this we have a consistent approach following the guidance in our school ‘Supporting Social and Emotional Development'. Please read this in conjunction with the ‘Anti- Bullying Leaflet’. 

At Kingsmead, behaviour is so much more than following rules and complying with authority. Great learning behaviour requires active listening and attention; approaching learning with interest, optimism and showing the grit and tenacity to overcome difficulty. It includes good manners and our conduct towards each and every person in school as well as to the natural and made environment. Pro-social behaviour does involve following rules (respect for the law). It can also include also voicing an opinion respectfully and campaigning for change. 

Our teachers plan an interesting and enjoyable curriculum to stimulate children's curiosity, 'botheredness' and their desire to learn; this is the first port of call in supporting excellent pupil behaviour. Through a broad and balanced curriculum and a skilled staff of knowledgeable professionals, we expect that all of our children can choose to care for themselves through learning and achievement. And that they can also be useful and kind to other people and the environment.

Equal  Different  Together

Alongside a loving family, education is one of the most precious gifts a child will receive. Education will enrich children's lives now and throughout their life. We believe that every child has the right to learn and achieve safely and joyfully. Our pupils come to school with very different starting points and therefore we will provide reasonable adjustments for those with additional difficulties. To enable all children to thrive and enjoy learning there is a 'no excuses' approach to bullying, hurting other children and disruptive behaviour. We treat each child as we would want our own to be treated.