Data and Inspection
This page includes links to other data about school inspection and performance.
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Our pupils' academic achievement is an important part of their primary education. Children's academic achievement is developed through many subjects in the National Curriculum including the Humanities (Geography, History and RE), the Arts and Technology. In primary school the core subjects are English, Mathematics and Science.
Data on achievement in English and Mathematics is important data for us to evaluate our performance alongside other important measures of school effectiveness. These include: the broad curriculum - all its subjects; the moral, spiritual social and cultural provision for schools.
In England children's performance is measured four times through statutory national assessments:
When children start school in Reception children are assessed against the EYFS Early Learning Goals (ELG) using the statutory Baseline Assessment. This is a play based assessment, and outcomes are reported to the the Department of Education.
A phonics screening check is administered to all children in year 1. While not officially a test, the outcomes are reported to the Department for Education.
Children in year 4 have a times tables screening check to see how many have achieved the national expectation in being fluent in tables recall up to 12 x 12.
End of Key Stage 2 (year 6) children sit national tests in Reading, Mathematics as well as Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) in May of year 6 with assessments by their teacher for writing and science as well as a teacher assessment in reading and mathematics.
Statutory assessment was suspended in 2020 due to the Covid pandemic. While schools continued to assess and record children's achievement, national data and comparisons are not available.
Outcomes for the two most recent rounds of statutory assessment: 2019 and 2022 are shared in the tables below.
Outcomes in 2019 - the last statutory testing period before the pandemic
Outcomes in 2022 - the first statutory testing period after the pandemic
Outcomes in 2023
Outcomes in 2024
You can find out more about government testing at: