Green Heart Warriors

Our 7th Eco-Schools' Green Flag is flying outside the school

Our Eco Group 2023

We hope every adult and child attending Kingsmead will be a Green Hearted Warrior, fighting for the 

Key Stage 1

Lower Key Stage 2 

Upper Key Stage 2

Environmental Review


Action Plan

Action Plan 2022-2023.docx.pdf

Annual Report

Alys and Summer end of year report.docx

Summer 2023

Every Summer the Eco Council make an Eco Code for the next school year

Oh you Eco Warriors!

Use less energy,

Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Refuse, Recycle

Single use plastic? Just don't use.

Can you eat less meat?

How will you reduce your water use?

Only take what you need.

Oceans need protecting, not just land.

Leave the world how you would like to find it.

Safe, pollution-free zones we must create.

Environmental Warriors - we need your help!

Can you save the animals?

Organic farming we must encourage.

Can you try to walk, scoot or cycle? 

Own your inner wild to improve biodoversity

Discover the wonder of this world.

Energy saving is a must.

We were delighted to be awarded a prize from the Coronation Biodiversity competition.

Sustrans' Big Walk and Wheel fortnight ~ something

Fair Trade Fortnight

Spring Litter Pick

Summer 2022

Every year the Eco Group, helped by Mrs Gajjar, come up with their action plan to make us greener and achieve our pledge

Every year the Eco Group decide on a new Eco-Code. 

Our Eco Code 2022

Be an eco warrior:

By helping our planet,

Not wasting food,

And not dropping rubbish.

Be an eco warrior:

By following these steps,

Turn off electricity,

When you’re done

And don’t use single-use plastic.

Be an eco warrior>

To be kind to our planet,

Plant more trees,

And have a healthy diet,

Be an eco warrior,

To protect our beautiful world,

Always walk, scoot or cycle,

But remember, driving is against the rules.

Team 2021-2022

"The earth is what we all have in common."

Wendell Berry

We were delighted that we were awarded our seventh Green Flag Award on Earth Day - 22nd April 2021.

The kitchen garden and school grounds are great places to learn and enjoy being outside

Report about gardening last year by Emmi Sneddon

At the beginning of the summer term me and a group of other children in Pine Martens did gardening once a week with Mrs Gajjar.

In our first lesson we planted lots of bulbs and different types of seeds. I planted dahlias, oxalis Dieppe and cucumber. The other children planted French beans, tomatoes, swiss chard, beetroot, sweet peas, marigolds, sunflowers and lots of different flowers. Our greenhouse was full of plants which we watered regularly.

In the following lessons, we got the planting beds ready by smoothing out the soil and taking out some weeds. We tidied the raspberry patch by cutting away the dead twigs, giving it some spent mushroom compost and lots of water.

In gardening I have learnt to recognise the weeds from the plants that we have planted. I also learnt that if you grow marigolds next to vegetable plants then bugs don’t eat them because they don’t like the smell of marigolds. It is also good to grow flowers with vegetables because the flowers bring in the pollinating insects which then pollinate our vegetable plants.

I really enjoyed harvesting strawberries, radish and rhubarb. I made rhubarb crumble and rhubarb stew with my mum. I also liked being outdoors and doing things with my hands and I got closer to the other people in my group.


The potato harvest - now we know where crisps and chips come from!

our Eco code

Our Eco-Code was revised in Summer 2021.

Click here to see the work of our Eco Group in 2020-21

action plan 

Action Plan.pdf

our eco school in pictures

Our school was built by Cheshire County Council under the Building Schools for the Future government initiative.
Our first Green Flag was hoisted back in 2005. Children are now in work or studying at college and university, some studying or working in environment and sustainability.
The flag you see flying today is the seventh time we have achieved the Eco Schools Green Flag award. The flag you see flying today is the seventh time we have achieved the Eco Schools Green Flag award.
Events like Science Week include our care for the environment. Children conducted surveys of wildlife in the school grounds and made bug hotels to encourage new species to take up residence alongside us. 
Being a Green Heart Warrior is about turning talk and thinking into actions, taking personal responsibility and setting an example in the community.