Concerns or Complaints
We hope that your child will enjoy learning and achieving at Kingsmead. However, should you wish to raise a concern or complaint about your child's education or welfare at school please do not hesitate to get in touch. Most issues can be resolved happily and swiftly.
General issues regarding the day to day business of the school can be raised by emailing The mail isn't monitored every day but is routinely looked at by Mrs Cotton who leads parent partnership and comments are considered by senior leaders and governors. This has been very helpful to us in improving our practice and procedures.
Concerns and complaints Procedure
A solution-focussed stepped approach helps concerns and complaints
Usually, the first steps in raising specific concerns or complaints are informal.
Make an appointment to see the class teacher. Most problems are more happily and speedily resolved if we are aware of them sooner. Most concerns and issues are resolved happily at this stage.
If you prefer, or if the response was not to your satisfaction, please make an appointment to meet with the Head of Phase.
If, having seen the teacher and/or head of phase, your concern or complaint remains unresolved, please ask to discuss the matter further with the headteacher or deputy headteacher.
If you believe your concern or issue has not been dealt with appropriately or if you prefer, you can then use our more formal complaints procedure, outlined within our policy.
It is helpful if you raise a more formal complaint using the school's complaints form which can be found at the end of the school's complaints procedure. This should be sent to the headteacher and marked 'PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL.'
Written complaints are helpful as they provide a record with points we can respond to. If your complaint is verbal, we will reply in writing, outlining the concerns you raised and our response.
Should your concerns remain or are regarding the headteacher, please contact the chair of governors either by email at or in a letter which you can post to the school office addressed to the Chair of Governors and marked 'PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL.'
Use of e-mail
While parents and carers are welcome to send emails to school, please be aware that these will arrive in the office inbox. If you do not wish other people to see the content of your correspondence or to respect the privacy of all concerned, you should put your issue in an attachment and in the subject line put F.A.O. (member of staff) and 'Private and Confidential.'
We will respond by email to acknowledge receipt of your concern. However, please note that we will not discuss by email any matters of a personal or sensitive nature or enter into lengthy email correspondence. Responses and discussions are best resolved by face to face meeting or if this is not possible, by a video call or telephone conversation.
Use of social media
We won’t respond to comments regarding the school on social media but would deal robustly with comments naming people or which inaccurately misrepresent events or our work. Reasonable dialogue, listening to other views with respect is by far the most effective way to resolve complaints or concerns.
Respectful dialogue
Mutual respect and dialogue is the most effective way of addressing concerns. While we understand that concerns or complaints in respect of children can be emotive, we will not accept aggressive or inappropriate language or behaviour.