Contact Us
Key contacts
Headteacher - Mrs Lisa Rutter-Brown
Deputy Headteacher - Mrs Debbie McHugh
School Business Manager - Mrs Sam Taylor
Getting in touch
For school enquiries please contact the school office:
Address - Dukes Way, Kingsmead, Northwich, Cheshire CW9 8WA
Phone - 01606 800170
For queries relating to your child's education, the first point of contact is your child's teacher. Teachers are happy to meet with parents and carers after school by appointment. While we try to fit in with working parents, staff too have working hours and many have their own children. Therefore appointments should not usually be any later than 5pm.
If you wish to discuss the matter further, please contact the office to make an appointment with the phase leader. If your query remains unresolved please then contact the deputy head or headteacher.
Teaching Staff:
Designated Teacher for Child Protection and Safeguarding - Mrs Lisa Rutter-Brown
SENCo (special educational needs and disabilities) - Mrs Karen Cotton
Leader for Behaviour and Wellbeing - Mrs Paula Hammond
Reception team leader - Mrs Karen Cotton
Key Stage 1 team leader - Mrs Emma Miller
Lower Key Stage 2 team leader - Mrs Paula Hammond
Upper Key Stage 2 team leader - Mrs Debbie McHugh
Chair of Governors:
Mrs Joanne Watkins
Please feel free to contact the school - we welcome your feedback
Specific issues about a child - please contact their teacher or phase leader to arrange an appointment. You can also contact the deputy or headteacher and arrange an appointment.More general feedback (postive and areas where we can improve) - please email You can also leave comments about the school on Ofsted's Parent View.