
What is Safeguarding?

Supporting all our children to thrive in their school and community. 

This includes - safe premises, risk assessments, curriculum (PHSE and sex and relationships education), equality, physical and mental health and children's emotional well-being.

What is Child Protection?

Keeping vulnerable children safe from harm or risk of harm.

This includes - bullying, neglect, child abuse - keeping children safe in the community, school or at home.

If you are concerned about a child or an adult's behaviour, immediately speak to one of our Safeguarding Leads, who are all Level 3 trained. These are:

Mrs Rutter-Brown who is the designated lead for safeguarding and child protection.

Mrs McHugh who is the deputy designated lead for safeguarding and child protection.

Mrs Cotton who is the SENCo and EYFS lead. 

Mrs Jones is our school safeguarding governor. 

Do not delay in sharing any concerns you have.  You can phone the school or email (This email is checked daily, including weekends, evenings and holidays.

If you have a concern in the holidays, over a weekend or in the evening and can not contact the school please call the Integrated Access and Referral Team (i-ART) or the Emergency Duty Team for help and advice. Alternatively you can call the police.

Report a concern about a child:

All staff are trained in Basic Awareness and Prevent (see below on tackling extremism). Training is updated every three years and the policy reviewed annually. Staff also receive briefings and updates throughout the year. Some staff have further responsibilities and receive training in attachment and emotional literacy, data protection, domestic violence. multi-agency working, team around the family (TAF), neglect, safe recruitment, team around the family and team teach (safe handling).

Emotional Literacy Support Assistant

Mrs Dabrowska and Mrs Butterworth are the school's ELSAs and support children with emotional and/or behavioural difficulties where these exceed the responsibility or expertise of a class teacher. Capacity in school is not infinite and we will prioritise their support on children whose needs are adversely impacting on learning and achievement. Parents wishing to discuss support for their child should speak to the headteacher or deputy headteacher / SENCo if their request is linked to a child's special educational needs or disability. 

Child abuse is all our responsibility  

We all know that every child has a right to be safe and should be protected from all forms of abuse and neglect; however some people do not act when they are concerned about a child as they are worried about being wrong. 

Everyone can help protect children and young people by looking out for the ABC warning signs. These include changes in a child or young persons: 

Many people think it’s the job of people who work directly with children to make the report or are worried about being wrong. In fact, anyone can make a report to Children's Social Care; you don’t have to be 100% certain and if you are concerned about a child, please report it to Children’s Social Care and they will look into it. Information is usually gathered from a number of sources and your report would form one part of a bigger picture. Please help us to keep an eye out for our local children as you go about your day to day life. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and we must work together to support and protect children at the earliest opportunity. 

Challenging extremism 

Staff are trained in Channel awareness and WRAP (Home Office anti-extremism) training and the Prevent Strategy. Extremism includes a range of views, religious and political (such as far right extremism) that can lead people to act in ways contrary to British law. Staff understand how some children can be vulnerable to online grooming (not only for sexual exploitation but for purposes of radicalisation too). We want to prevent any of our children become victims of extremists so staff are trained to spot signs that could indicate radicalisation, how to support children and families affected, and how to report it. The single point of contact (SPOC) should anyone have a concern regarding extremism is Mrs Rutter-Brown, the headteacher.

What about concerns in the community?

Every community bears some responsibility for keeping children safe: from driving carefully to noticing when children may be at risk. Sometimes adults living in the community have concerns regarding a child's welfare which are not apparent to us in school. 

CWAC Social Care Integrated Access and Referral Team or I-Art will talk through concerns in a professional and confidential manner. See above 'What do I do if I am concerned about a child's welfare?' for how to contact them.

Prevent-September 2023 (1).pdf

What do I do if I am concerned about a child's welfare?

In school, children do not differentiate between adults' roles; a volunteer parent for example may carry the same status as a teacher. If you have a concern about a child's welfare you should speak to one of the designated adults in school. All concerns are treated confidentially and designated staff will take full responsibility for further action if appropriate. Concerns in the community can be reported to Cheshire West and Chester social care.

We are all responsible for the well-being of the children in our community. The numbers and links below are to support anyone in the community with concerns in taking useful and kind action to safeguard a child.