The definition of British Values was set out by the government in the 2011 Prevent Strategy and added to Ofsted inspection guidance in July 2014:

‘To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.’

At Kingsmead we recognise, not only the importance of helping children to flourish academically but also spiritually, morally, socially and culturally, so they are fully prepared for life in British society and for their role as a global citizens, so they can make a positive contribution to their own life, the lives of others and the environment. 

Global Values

At Kingsmead we uphold the following global values, also referred to as 'British' values: 

Tolerance - for diversity of belief, opinion, practice and lifestyles, in particular those groups protected by the Equality Act.

Rule of Law - whether our own school policies or the Law of the Land, we uphold respecting rules and institutions and if we want these to change, to use reason and argument by participating in debate and campaigning for change.

Individual Liberty - we are free to think, be and believe as we choose.

Mutual Respect - we respect the rights of others to think and believe differently.

Democracy - listening to the views of stakeholders, we welcome and encourage the participation and engagement of everybody.

At Kingsmead we actively promote our Global and British Values through our five daily routines and assemblies. We also actively promote these values through ensuring that our curriculum planning and delivery includes real opportunities for exploring them. Through actively promoting these values it also means challenging pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including extremist views. 

Implementation of Global and British Values

Tolerance: It is important that all children gain an understanding of the world they are growing up in and learn how to live alongside, and show respect for, a diverse range of people. We place a great emphasis on promoting diversity with the children and staff and the need to show respect for others. We want children to understanding that difference is not only acceptable,  but welcome. Our five daily routines are planned to address this issue either directly or through the inclusion of stories and celebrations from a variety of faiths and cultures. Our RE, PSHE and SMSC teaching reinforces this.  We celebrate traditions and customs in the course of the year and value and celebrate national focuses such as Safer Internet Day, Odd Sock day for Anti-Bullying week, Mental Health Week and so on.  Through the No Outsiders scheme we explore the protected characteristics of the 2010 Equality Act to promote respect for individual difference and to actively challenge stereotypes. 

The Rule of Law: The importance of laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are consistently reinforced throughout every day, as well as when dealing with social and emotional development and through assemblies.  At Kingsmead we have one rule: we are useful, kind and ready to learn unlimited, and this is woven into everything we do.  Our policy for 'Supporting Social and Emotional Development' outlines the expectations and responsibilities for all members of our school community and how all behaviour, prosocial and anti-social, has consequences.  The curriculum is also designed to ensure children are taught the values and reasons behind laws, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken.  We also Refer to the Equality Act 2010 as part of our No Outsiders Scheme.

Individual Liberty: At Kingsmead our children are actively encouraged to make independent choices knowing that they are in a safe, secure and supportive environment. We educate and provide consistent boundaries for children to make choices safely, through the provision of a safe environment and an empowering education. We encourage children to see themselves as unique individuals able to make a unique contribution to our community.  We encourage children to take responsibility for their own behaviour and implement a strong anti-bullying culture.  Children are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our E-Safety and PSHE curriculum. 

Mutual Respect: Unconditional positive regard is a core value of our school and is modelled by children and staff alike. Our school promotes respect for others and this is reiterated through our classroom and learning environments  We believe that respect for others is a vital component of moral development. We encourage open discussions in all areas but particularly in lessons which promote citizenship such as PSHE and through our community assemblies. We actively support all to develop their own reasoned views about moral and ethical issues. We encourage all pupils to understand that they have rights and responsibilities as citizens within our community and the wider world, regularly supporting a range of local and national charity appeals. 

Democracy: Democracy is an important value at our school. Children are always listened to by adults and are taught to listen carefully and with concern to each other, respecting the right of every individual to have their voice and opinions heard. All children have the opportunity to have their voices heard through our Community Assemblies. Our Community Assembly groups provide an opportunity for all children to be heard and become involved in the decision making process within our school, examining the idea that we all share a responsibility to use our voice and influence the wellbeing of others

Five Daily Routines