
Our communication with families will be professional and courteous. We ask that families communicate with the same courtesy and only through the channels outlined below. 

home to school:

Sometimes you might receive a reply direct from the headteacher or other senior leader. This is for one of two reasons. Your issue might have been so serious that the member of staff escalated it to us. Another reason is that the headteacher has responded because the tone of an email means it was not appropraite for the member of staff to reply. 

We also have which is monitored regularly for general feedback, compliments and areas we might improve.

school to home:

We do not accept responsibility for information missed that has been shared and signposted on the website, by email, on Google Classroom or by text.

More on how we share information with families:

There is a wealth of information that we haven't e-mailed or put on Google Classroom on the website. All information on the website is open to everybody.

The school's other online space, one private to the school, is Google Classroom. Class teachers, phase and school leaders use this space to communicate with children, and families. Parents and carers can access their classrooms through their children's unique email addresses and can sign up to receive notifications on their phone. Messages on Google Classroom may be sent to individual pupils (all accessible by adults at home but not visible to other children or families) as well as the whole school, year group, a class, or group of children. As a primary school, we expect that children don't have private spaces or passwords that parents and carers don't monitor, so there will be useful information for adults too. It is a space where pupils can message one another using hangouts and is a much safer online communication tool than others on the internet which have recommended ages far older than our children. Google Classroom teaches children from a young age that the online world is a public place (teachers and classmates can see their comments and posts) while ensuring that they are in a secure environment within the school. Teachers are not required to respond to posts on Google classroom, so if you would like to be sure we have seen and responded, please email either admin or feedback@kingsmead (see above).

We also use

Google forms to share and collect information, for example consent for school trips. will be communicated via your email address. We use these to gather parents' and carers' views either through formal surveys or a quick survey on an issue. 

Newsletters are shared weekly, as well as three times a year at the end of term a longer celebration, with highlights and co-written by children, staff and other adults in school.

Communicating with us

Parents' and carers' first port of call would be the children's teacher. If this is not possible or appropriate please contact the phase leader. 

If your issue remains or is not appropriate for the class teacher, please contact the headteacher or deputy headteacher. If your concern is related to your child's disability or special educational needs, please contact our SENCO via the office. Appointments can be face to face, via a Google Meet or by telephone. 

Telephone us on 01606 800170. Teaching staff will not usually be available during teaching hours but will aim to call you back to you on the same day if possible. 

When emailing a particular member of staff, please put FAO and the name of the person the message is for in the subject line and office staff will pass it on. If your communication is confidential and contains personal or sensitive information please mark it CONFIDENTIAL in the subject line and attach the information as a word document. Teachers aim to respond to emails within five working days (note this may be longer if your email is to a part time member of staff). Please remember not to email teachers directly and send all correspondence through the school office address. 

You can also leave feedback about the school on the Ofsted Parent View website. 

social media

KMPSGallery on Instagram is a virtual gallery of children's artwork, music celebrating creative Arts in school. From 2022 we have published our own website page in the Cave Gallery which is a safe place for children to see their work in Art and Design shared with a wider audience.

KingsmeadPri on Twitter celebrates some of the special events that go on in school, in particular Sport and Eco news. It keeps us informed with what our friends and partners in CW&C, the DfE and Ofsted are up to.

Kingsmead Friends Association on Facebook keeps families up to date with the activities of the KFA.

Kingsmead Primary School, Northwich on Facebook keeps families up to date with key school events and celebrates day to day activities taking place in school. 

If you have a question, concern or compliment, feedback@kingsmead.cheshire.sch is the most effective way to communicate with us. Communication is invariably more useful, kind and effective when speaking or communicating directly with us.