Ladybirds 24/25

The EYFS Team are looking forward to seeing you!

We hope that you've had a lovely summer, with lots of adventures, fun and sunshine. Your teachers have been into school and have been working hard getting the classroom ready for you.

We are going to be visiting some of you next week in your homes, we are excited to see you and we will be bringing a little present from school.

When you come to school on your first day we will be waiting for you at the green gate, we are looking forward to seeing you in your uniform! You need to bring with you your book bag, a water bottle, your holiday book and a coat. Make sure a grown up has put your name on everything so that we can help you find your things if you lose them.

I hope you've had fun choosing a plant to come and live in our classroom, we will teach you how to look after it, we can watch it grow and develop, just like you! If you can't carry your plant on the first day, don't worry, bring it another day.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you soon

Mrs Cotton, Mrs Fielden, Mrs Woods, Mrs Cottam and Mrs Plumbley

Reception New Starters September 2024

A warm welcome to all families starting with us in September. It's always exciting to meet new families and meet the children that will be part of our new Ladybirds class.

In order to provide the very best start to school, we operate a staggered induction to school, which we follow for the first two weeks of September. We have an intake of 45 young children into one room, which although is a super environment for them to learn and play in through their year with us, is difficult to provide a quality start to school with the level of care and attention to children's needs if all of the children start at once. Some of the children, when they start school are almost 5 years old, and we have some who only a few weeks ago were still 3. Many children are pleased to see friends from their nursery, however we have a significant number who are the only one coming from their pre school setting, and don't know anyone. Some children walk in confidently, whereas some require adult support one-to-one to settle. This gradual start is best practice, and allows us to ensure that every child has the attention they deserve so that they see school as a positive and exciting place to be. 

Being part of a child's first year of school is always a privilege our experienced team are looking forward to meeting you all during our transition events in June and July. 


I look forward to meeting you soon and welcoming you to the Kingsmead family.

Mrs Karen Cotton, EYFS Lead

letter to parents (2).pdf
Headteachers Letter Sep 24 v1.pdf
Parents Information September 24 (1).pdf
_Welcome to Reception (2).pdf

You can find out more about our parent portal here

Parent Portal and Parent App leaflet poster.pdf

Starting school in September

We are pleased to share with you our plans for the phased opening of our EYFS area in September. We have taken time to consider the best needs of both the children and the parents. In the first weeks of school we will be inviting children in small groups that are determined by age. Some children are almost five when they join us and some are only just four, and will still be four when they leave us in July. This allows us to get to know the children and give them the best start to school. We will also be carrying out home visits during those first three weeks which gives you the opportunity to ask us any questions.

Group A - Children born in March, April, May, June, July and August.

Group B - Children born in September, October, November, December, January and February.

School Readiness 2024 updated version (1).pdf