Health & Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing Team

The Health and Wellbeing Team work closely to keep children well in mind, body and spirit. Mrs Debbie McHugh specialised in PE and English for her degree and leads PE and Sport in school. Mrs Paula Hammond has additional qualifications in Philosophy for Children, teaching children to articulate well and think deeply (so important for wellbeing) and leads PHSE, RSE and wellbeing for children and adults at Kingsmead. Mrs Dabrowska and Mrs Butterworth are qualified ELSAs (emotional literacy support assistants), supporting pupils informally and formally through 1-1 and sometimes in small groups and pairs.

PHSE and the Relationships aspect of RSE are a statutory for maintained schools in England. Both had been taught in a full curriculum at Kingsmead since we opened in 2004. The most recent consultation with parents and carers was in Spring 2020.


Personal, Health and Social Education

PHSE is fundamental to educating the whole child through teaching the knowledge, skills and understanding children must develop to thrive in modern Britain. It is fundamental to the aims of the school:

Equality - The equal rights of all groups and particularly those covered by the Equality Act 2010. Equity for all does not mean all are treated the same and includes and understanding that some need less, others more and different support to thrive. 

Local and World Citizen - Thinking how our actions and decisions affect our own communities and impact on others.

Participation - Children are expected to be active participants their lessons and extra-curricular learning. Northwich Education Partnership Pupil Parliament and Eco-Group offer more formal opportunities for them to participate in democratic processes and make decisions that affect them. Year 6 lead Community Assemblies of children in Year 1-6.

Road Safety - Programmes in Key Stage 2 teach independence leading to children leaving for high school able to travel safely within their community. Let's Walk [year 4] teaches being an independent pedestrian and Bikeability [Year 6] teaches cycling safely on the school grounds, roads, on and off the cycle paths. 

Substance Use and Abuse - Teaching children how medication can be helpful in keeping us healthy and the harmful effects of cigarettes, drugs and alcohol help them make informed choices when they are older. 


Relationship and Sex Education

RSE is equally important for children to thrive, in their primary years, adolescence and adult lives. There is good evidence that children who have received good RSE enjoy happier, more respectful relationships and are less likely to be subject to peer pressure. Their knowledge and understanding of relationships means they are less likely to engage in unsafe or underage activity. RSE promotes tolerance and respect and fits in with the requirement to promote British Values and is in harmony with our own school ethos. We want Kingsmead pupils to grow into adults who are accepting and respecting of other people, including those whose way of life is very different to their own. 

Parents may still withdraw their children from aspects of specific sex education such as puberty and changing bodies. Aspects of reproduction covered in the Science curriculum (reproduction) and PHSE Relationships (different families and relationships) are statutory and there is no right of withdrawal. The Blog 10th March 2020 tells you more about this. Families wishing to withdraw for the sex education part of RSE should make an appointment with the headteacher.

PHSE and RSE are as important as any academic subject in developing well-rounded individuals with strong self-esteem and the respect and care for other people that will enable them to thrive in education, family life and their communities. Staying safe, making a positive contribution, being healthy and making and sustaining relationships are all taught within PHSE and RHE.

The only relationships that we promote in school are useful and kind ones rooted in mutual respect. 

It is not the purpose of school or a curriculum to promote any particular way of life, orientation, belief or group of people. We no more promote a particular type of relationship than a religion (or none), an ability, disability or race. Representing and teaching about human diversity in our curriculum is because we want our children to show kindness and respect to all, unlimited. And it is hard to be kind or respectful to those we know nothing about, those whose ways we don't understand. Teaching is factual and respectful, sharing knowledge of the diversity of people in our country. It supports the fundamental value in of respect, tolerance and equality, enshrined in British law and international conventions. 

PE and Sport

PhysIcal Education 

PE is a statutory requirement of the National Curriculum. PE lessons in school develop children's personal fitness and core strength, co-ordination, teamwork and collaboration. Team games are small and non-competitive aimed to develop skills and positive attitudes. Extra curricular opportunities and our membership of the Vale Royal School Sports Partnership provide opportunities for children to participate in competitions with other local schools and at high schools too. Children have enjoyed competitions including Athletics, Duathlon, Football, Golden Mile, Gymnastics, Hockey, Netball, Swimming and Tag Rugby. 

The government has placed greater emphasis on physical education and sport as part of their effort to combat the obesity crisis where 1 in 3 children are now classed as over weight. From September 2016 the aspiration was that all children in England will be active for two hours a day, half of which should take place in school. In addition to active play-times, PE lessons and extra-curricular sport clubs, children have quick bursts of activity between some lessons. These include: running a lap of the field (0.25 miles), 5-a-day-fitness and more recently an initiative on yoga for children. We also build physical activity into the broad curriculum, e.g. Maths of the Day and learning outside the classroom.