Health and Wellbeing

We share responsibility with children and families to reduce risk of sickness and infection and learn and work safely together.

When are children best not in school?

Children should not be in school if they have symptoms of contagious disease or conditions including coronavirus. Days lost to working parents are fewer when contagious children are at home until they're no longer a risk of infection.

If a child is upset or anxious about an aspect of school it is important that parents or carers talk to teachers and do not allow their child a day off school. Absenteeism will only increase and prolong their anxiety. Children are best supported by maintaining good attendance with support in school to alleviate the causes of their anxiety. See below for more information on supporting children's emotional health and wellbeing.


Children will be offered a free flu vaccine in school from Reception to Year 6. You can find out more about how it will be administered and parental consent on the website and on the NHS website.

The 5 reasons list sets out why children should have the flu vaccine.

They are:

1. Protect your child - The vaccine will help protect your child against flu and serious complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

2. Protect you, your family and friends - Vaccinating your child will help protect more vulnerable family and friends.

3. No injection needed - The nasal spray is painless and easy to have.

4. It’s better than having flu - The nasal spray helps protect against flu, has been given to millions worldwide and has an excellent safety record.

5. Avoid costs - If your children gets flu, you may have to take time off work or arrange alternative childcare.

Guidance_on_infection_control_in schools_poster.pdf

Common infections in schools

Coronavirus is likely to be one of the most common infections in school for some years. It is very important that children with coronavirus do not attend school while they are infectious. Families should follow the most recent government guidance.


We do not check hair; however, if we observe crawling lice, parents or carers are contacted to remove the children and treat their hair before returning to school. Headlice infection is reduced if all long hair is tied back which is the reason for our Uniform and Appearance policy of all long hair tied back.NHS advice on headlice and nits


To prevent the spread of nasty bugs, there must be 48 hours from the last incident of vomiting or diarrhoea before returning to school. When the 48 hour rule is followed, fewer days are lost to sickness absence as bugs do not spread.As with Coronavirus, the best way to prevent the spread of norovirus is good hand hygiene.NHS advice on Norovirus

colds and flu

Colds and flu spread quickly in school. Children can be taught from a young age to use a tissue and, if sneezing, to sneeze into their tissue, a hanky or their sleeve. They can be discouraged from sneezing out into the air where the germs can be carried around 10 metres.NHS advice on common colds

Family life is not always easy. One of the most common adverse childhood experiences is parental conflict, sometimes leading to separation and divorce. The attachment and trauma information below may help families minimise impact on their children.  

Let's learn together

Getting it right for every child

How to help your child cope with divorce

School survival

Links to support children's mental health and wellbeing

Creative Education: resources to support a worried child

How to talk to your child about loss - eventbrite 1st February

2 Simple: mental health guide for parents

Responding positively to Pupils after a traumatic event

E-safety page

Train My Mind is a Cheshire based company supporting mindfulness.

Our E-safety page provides a wealth of advice for preventing the high risk of emotional harm, grooming and addiction from inappropriate online activity including social media.

Our Curriculum Health and Wellbeing team page has more information about physical, and mental health in school.