Early Years


Children's first year in school (Reception class) is the final year of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which children will have begun in nursery, pre-school or with their childminder. 

Our EYFS classroom provides learning for forty five children. Staffed by two teachers and a teaching assistant, it provides a good adult/child ratio. Spacious and well resources indoor and outdoor spaces enable the seven areas of learning to be provided inside and outside. 

What is the Early Years Foundation Stage?

The EYFS curriculum is made up of 7 areas of learning:

Prime areas of learning

Communication and Language: 

PSED (personal, social and emotional development): 

Physical Development

Specific areas



Achievement of a good level of development is given when a child achieves ALL of the above Early Learning Goals [ELG].

The World:

Expressive Arts and Design

How is the EYFS Assessed?

When children start at primary school, they are assessed against the national Reception Baseline Assessment. This gives our EYFS Team a thorough understanding of every childs' starting point and their next steps in learning. Children's progress is planned for and assessed throughout the year, with their attainment against age related expectations communicated to parents termly. 

At the end of the childrens' first year in school they are assessed against the descriptors for all 17 Early Learning Goals. All have equal value although the first twelve are used to define a 'good level of development' of GLD. This means if a child achieves within the age related standard at the end of the year in all 11 aspects, they have achieved the nationally expected standard.